Disclaimer: Information is current as of March 1, 2024. The list of companies above is provided for illustrative purposes only, may not be a comprehensive listing of Finback’s portfolio investments dating back to inception, and includes certain investments that were made by Finback’s predecessor firm, Dock Square Capital, LLC (“Dock Square”). For those investments made by Dock Square (Vertical Bridge, DataBank, Protect My Car and Sabre Industries), Finback’s co-founders represented a majority of Dock Square’s ownership and of the investment committee (or its equivalent) responsible for final acquisition and disposition decisions, and certain other employees of Finback have served and continue to serve in operational roles for Dock Square. However, three of the principals and investment committee members of Dock Square are not affiliated with Finback and as such will have no involvement in the investment or management of any Finback fund or investment vehicle. The information above is included to illustrate Finback’s approach, and the types of portfolio companies we have partnered with throughout our history. The listing is not intended to represent performance or be an indicator of how clients have performed or may perform in the future.